Phonics Programme and reading resources

At Christ Church Primary, reading is at the very heart of our curriculum. Learning to read is a priority and we use the Letters and Sounds phonic programme. Key texts lead learning across the curriculum and provide a context for learning. 


The school continually invests in new books and CPD to develop best practice across the school, to secure outstanding teaching and learning.


Providing our pupils with a full range of carefully chosen, recommended, classic and contemporary texts allows reading to become a rich and engaging experience at Christ Church.


We also support  our parents and empower everyone to try new ideas and resources as part of the learning and development process.


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Ofsted Inspection Report November 2021

"Leaders have placed reading at the centre of the school's work. Teachers develop personalised strategies to support pupils reading.


Children in the early years receive an excellent start to reading. Leaders use the phonics programme to meet pupils needs . Adults have expertise in phonics teaching. They know how to adapt approaches to support pupils who speak English as an additional language. Books are matched to the sounds pupils know. Teachers provide effective support for pupils who need extra help. Over time, this has helped pupils to become effective readers . This also helps their progression across the curriculum.


This love of reading continues throughout the school. Teachers carefully select texts that reinforce key themes, such as resilience and equality. These texts also help pupils develop an awareness of different literary styles . Pupils read texts by writers from different cultures and traditions. Already this year, pupils interest in reading has been enlivened by two visiting writers."